Raspberry Py VR

Use This Raspberry Pi VR Headset in Your Next Virtual Meeting

It’s like you’re really there! Sort of…

With many of us working from home, virtual meetings have become the norm. But one challenging aspect of these online meetings led Lorraine Underwood to develop this cool Raspberry Pi project. Frustrated with the inability to look around at her colleagues, she decided to develop a solution with the help of VR!

Instead of glancing at corners of the screen, this project lets you actively look around a room through a VR headset. You can see your coworker through a Pi-powered camera rig that sits physically in the room with your coworker.

One Raspberry Pi camera setup is needed for each guest. The setup uses a Raspberry Pi to host a webserver. This server allows guests to connect and look around the room.

Each Pi is connected to a Pimoroni Pan-Tilt HAT which uses two servo motors to move around. A Raspberry Pi camera provides visual data for the VR headset to display to the wearer. If you don’t have a VR headset, you can still move the camera around through the web server by using the arrow buttons.

You can check it out live next Tuesday in our next episode of Tom’s Hardware’s Picast! Lorraine is our special guest and will be joining us for a full demonstration.

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